Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sometimes I think I am going to go crazy from sheer boredom. Strange that this malady would descend upon me now, when I have the entire knowledge of the world's experience right at my fingertips, and not twenty or thirty years ago. I sit here in front of my keyboard utterly frozen in place. Nothing interests me, and I seem unable to think of any topic or pursuit that could drive me out of this mud bog. Just google something. But there is nothing. Just look up someone. But there is no one. I just went to my phone to extend an invitation for a Memorial Day cookout to someone, anyone... but I couldn't think of anyone to send it to. I am doing everything that I have done every day for decades. I don't know when or where along the line something changed. All I know is that it did. The strange thing is, I'm not sure I want to go back. Not because I feel comfortable in this strange new world. Just the opposite. Or maybe not opposite. Truth is, I don't feel much of anything.  But I don't want to go back because this new vantage point lets me see more clearly what it all was before. And it's just not a place I want to go back to. For what? There's nothing there, I think.


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